The short answer to this is YES. But to elaborate – the horses ARE the crux of our business. Without them, we’d have nothing. Pretty scenery, nice hotels, good meals – those are all the icing on the cake. We go for the horses! And we won’t compromise on the quality of this item – not ever. You can rest assured that the horses are top notch, good citizens. Like your own, they come in a variety of sizes, colors and temperaments – but they are all well taken care of and happy in their lives. They may not all be perfect, or beauty queens/kings, but they love their jobs and are happy to show you. And if you do find that you aren’t seeing quite “eye to eye” with your horse – just tell your guide on Day 1 and you’ll be switched out post haste! (Unless your horses’ name is Smart – ok, that’s an inside joke – ask us!)