Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct 8 Days Vancouver Canada
8 days

British Columbia Lodge Ride

Pack your bags and head to Vancouver for the start of our 7-night riding vacation in British Columbia. You will be staying at the comfortable and well appointed Tsylos Park Lodge, where daily rides explore the surrounding Chilko wilderness. Take a week...

$4,890 View More
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec 7 Days Johannesburg Botswana
7 days

Botswana Safari Ride

This safari covers approximately 120 miles over the course of the week. You will enjoy exploring the differing topography of the area: open bush, wooded areas, wetlands, and strange rock formations home to large baobabs. Game is plentiful, so there is always...

$3,985 View More
Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Jul - Aug - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec 7 Days Buenos Aires Argentina
7 days

Argentina’s Pampas Ride

Argentina: a land of horses, born and built on horseback. Come and enjoy the uniqueness of this country. The Argentine Pampas are the heartland of this bucolic country. Located in easy proximity to Buenos Aires, they are the perfect destination for someone...

$2,490 View More