Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - Sep - Oct - Nov - Dec 4 Days Reykjavik Iceland
4 days

Iceland’s Northern Lights Ride

This tour includes half day tours and a day tour on horseback, relaxing in thermal pools and sightseeing to the most famous natural sights in South Iceland. After the morning ride you warm up at lunch with soup and coffee at our...

$1,450 View More
Sep 7 Days Bayeux France
7 days

France’s Normandy and Mont Saint Michel Ride

This is one of our most epic horseback rides – the history is incredibly rich. It’s not just about the lovely, lush and peaceful landscapes of Normandy, it’s about the deep, poignant and historic events that occurred here and all along the...

$3,905 View More
Mar - Apr - May - Sep - Oct 7 Days Marseille France
7 days

France’s Provence Wines Inn to Inn Ride

Fields of lavender and the wonderful smells of fresh rosemary, thyme and olive trees are just a few of the pleasures that await you each day on the wonderful ride. Riding Spanish Barb and Selle Francais horses, you will see this fertile...

$2,230 View More
Jun - Jul - Sep 7 Days Paris France
7 days

France’s Loire Valley Inn to Inn Ride (B)

Seven days of pure happiness, 4.5 on horseback in the Loire valley. We start by Saumur, vineyards, troglodytes caves, castles. We are going on great history tour of the Plantagenets, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Valois, Joan of Arc. We are welcomed by French...

$4,125 View More
Mar - Apr - May - Jun - Sep - Oct 7 Days Marseille France
7 days

France’s Mediterranean Inn to Inn Ride

In the deep south of France you will ride through one of the most unique, diverse and unspoiled areas – the Camargue. Known for its famous cowboys, black bulls and radiant white horses. Starting in the heart of Provence, your first few...

$2,295 View More
Apr - May - Jun - Sep - Oct 2-7 Days London England
2-7 days

England’s Cornwall Ride

These fun trails for experienced rides last between 3 and 8 hours, uncovering areas of Bodmin Moor which are undiscovered by most people as they are inaccessible by vehicle. During these trails you will ride through terrain which is often only accessible...

$1,970 View More