My grandmother used to always bemoan how fast time flies and the passing of the years and I could never understand – until the last few years. I have to laugh now – as both she and my mother are often right (but please don’t tell my mom I actually admitted it out loud). This has been a fleeting year, to be sure.

And like most years, it’s filled with both highs and lows.

Will and Stacey

We kicked off the year by celebrating Will’s 50th birthday in Ireland and Scotland (and it was news to me that you could actually go to Ireland and not ride a horse – SO bizarre).

In February I had the amazing blessing to find Cinemax, my new equine  partner in crime. It’s been a riot getting to know him. A former show jumper, he’s been a fun project when it comes to introducing him to trail riding with all of its variety – and his funny reactions – deer in the woods (holy cow, what’s that???), wild turkeys in the woods (Holy S&%T – what’s the deal with them flying up into the trees above my head?????), cows in the next pasture across the street (No EFFing Way – WE ARE NOT going over there!).

We sent our beloved Dakota over the Rainbow Bridge in March, on a lovely day that wasn’t too cold and afforded us a nice long walk to visit all the spots she loved to smell and leave messages for the next dog. Fifteen was an amazing run for her and for these last 6 years, she’s been a wonderful family member – gentle with size of person large or small and ferocious when strangers are walking down the street (or turkey vultures circling, LOL).

June saw myself and few clients head out to Colorado to
scope out our two new destinations – if you want an amazing experience be sure to check out our private family ranch ride – we loved it beyond description and many great rides and loads of fun laughs.

October took us back to Montauk for our annual fishing trip and funny, for the second year in a row, I had a double header!

The months in between were filled with seeing many of you at trade shows – thanks for coming by our booth – that’s such a highlight for me!

November and December are family months, by design and by tradition. Thanksgiving is spent with the Moriarty clan – 23 fun, festive and sometimes overly loud Irish folks. And December brings us to Coral Gables to see my folks and my brother and his family.

And I feel blessed indeed – that our families on both sides are all healthy and well. That we both still have our parents, all with no major health issues. That we have each other – finding Will has been God making lemonade out of lemons in my life, he is truly my dearest and best friend – the one I can’t wait to celebrate with and the one that has to listen to my wrath when things get under my skin (he offers to dig a hole in the backyard to bury what ever it is that is vexing me and then instead, brings me a glass of wine – he’s just “gets” me).

But through all of these highs and lows of 2016, it’s really all of you that have made it an amazing year. Your calls, your emails, sharing your lives on Facebook so openly and inviting me to share mine – those moments, some of which were small (the first snow of the season) and big (your child’s first ride) – those are the moments and events that I’ve come to love, the ones that allow our lives to intertwine.

Thank you for sharing yourselves and for connecting. Please don’t stop! (and if we aren’t connected on Facebook – please friend me! Stacey Adams, Stanfordville, NY – Dakota is my current profile shot)

Wishing all sorts of peace to you this season, no matter where you are in life or what is going on, please know that I’m truly thankful for you and wishing you the best of what is possible.

Here’s looking at you 2016 – and to a fabulous 2017!
